Thursday, August 25, 2005

Success means taking a leap of faith and giving it your all

Good news all (and by all, I probably just mean me since I bet no one's reading this!):

I've got another writing contract! It's for rewriting a chapter on parks & rec trails in Toronto, for the Toronto Colourguide (apparently it's sold in Indigo, Amazon and around the world and one of the other authors is the NOW mag entertainment editor, so I'm in good company!). The pay is lousy, but right now it's all about doing a good job and getting my name out.

So that's it folks: for years I've been afraid of failure and afraid to take the leap into writing. Although it's still early days, I'm finding that if you're willing to do the work, and you do a good job, people will start to know you. The magazine world is such a small world!

Anyways, that's all for now.

And as Angie Stone says, "my sunshine has come -- there's no more rain in this cloud". For now

More later


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